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Words from the intersection of creativity,
AI technology, and Personal Transformation.

Eric Kerr
Mar 64 min read
5. Surrender to Uncertainty: The Freedom of Not Knowing
We grip our plans like lifelines, calculate our next moves like chess masters, create backup plans for our backup plans. As if uncertainty i

Eric Kerr
Feb 285 min read
4. Connection Beyond Conflict: Why Hard Conversations Are Worth Having
Every challenging conversation holds the potential for deeper understanding—if we're willing to engage fully in both speaking our truth and

Eric Kerr
Feb 27, 20245 min read
2. Embrace Boredom: The Art of Empty Space
Learning to value the spaces between busyness and being.

Eric Kerr
Feb 23, 20245 min read
1. Sit in Your Discomfort: Running from Discomfort Is Like Fleeing a Bear
How close you can get to understanding your discomfort before the urge to run takes over.
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